Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's being reported by numerous sources that the Michigan Marching Band will NOT be traveling to Dallas for the Michigan vs. Alabama season opener.

All I can say about this is "Lolwut"? Dave Brandon really shit the bed here, folks. I don't know about the rest of the Michigan fanbase, but when I think of Michigan football, one of my first thoughts is of the Michigan fight song playing. Hail to the Victors is more than a line from a song, it's a rallying cry, it's a calling card, it's a musical representation of millions of people! The fact that Michigan football will be on center stage in Dallas being watched by millions and millions of people, WITHOUT THEIR MARCHING BAND CHORUSING "The Victors" is an absolute travesty.

I urge all of our readers to tweet Dave Brandon (@DaveBrandonAD) to express your displeasure.

Go Blue!


  1. of michigan fans!

  2. Not a Michigan fan, but I still believe the band should go to Dallas. Alabama will bring their band for sure
